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Sanitary Sewer (Lateral/Problems)

Your Sanitary Sewer Lateral

lateral with overflow protection device

The Mt. View Sanitary District defines the Sanitary Sewer Lateral or building lateral as typically, beginning within 2 feet of the building structure to where it connects to the mainline sewer. This also includes the fitting in which the lateral connects to the mainline. The Sanitary Sewer Lateral is also defined by the terms Upper Lateral and Lower Lateral. The Upper Lateral is the portion of the Sanitary Sewer Lateral that is typically installed within 2 feet of the building structure to the property line. The Lower Lateral is the portion that is installed from the property line to the mainline connection. The Sanitary Sewer Lateral is the private property of the building owner who is, therefore, responsible for all costs related to the installation, connection, maintenance, repair, reconstruction, alteration, abandonment, or removal of the Sanitary Sewer Lateral.

To aid the property owner in avoiding the unpleasant and often costly experience of a sanitary sewer backup MVSD encourages all property owners to install and maintain a backwater overflow device. On all new home and business construction it is a requirement of the permitting process.

Sanitary Sewer Problems

Sanitary Sewer Backups and Overflows

If you are reporting a sewer backup or overflow incident, please notify the District’s Offices, 24 hours a day, at (925) 228-5635. District’s On-Call staff will respond to the reported sanitary sewer incident after hours.  Please follow phone message prompts for sewer emergencies.

When a District Representative speaks to you, please have the following information ready to expedite the response: Name, Address, Phone Number, Address or location of the overflow and all conditions you are experiencing. If you are experiencing a backup into your home, please remain calm, remove all persons, and pets from the area. If sewage has overflowed inside the home, shutoff allcurrent running water and heating and air conditioning (HVAC) units. Do not attempt to remove any affected items from the area. If the Mt. View Sanitary District is found to be responsible for the incident, we are committed to cleaning and restoring your property, and to protecting the health of those affected during the remediation process.


Office Hours : Monday – Thursday 7 :00 AM-4:30 PM Friday 7:00 AM -3:30 PM Phone: (925)228-5635
In the event that an on-call operator cannot be reached, call (925)646-2441 (County Sheriff’s Department). 


Protect Your Investment with a Backwater Overflow Device

The Mt. View Sanitary District encourages all homes and businesses to install and maintain a Backwater Overflow Device. On new home construction and new businesses, it is a requirement of the permitting and inspection process. If you are planning any repairs to your home, you will be required to install a Backwater Overflow Device as a requirement of any permit. This device is an aid to you in avoiding costly repairs or damage caused by sewage backing up into residential and industrial buildings. The device should be properly installed by a professional and maintained on a regular basis to ensure operation.  You must submit an application to MVSD to install one of these devices, along with an application fee of $198.40. For questions, please contact


Sewage Collection System

Plant Collection

Mt. View Sanitary District currently serves an estimated population of approximately 19,000 people. The effluent is comprised of approximately 90% residential and 10% small business waste. The plant receives approximately 1 million gallons per day during dry weather.

Approximately 73 miles of sewers and 4 pump stations are serviced and maintained by the District. MVSD mainlines are routinely checked for problems with root growth, grease buildup or other debris that may cause blockages. All MVSD mainlines are on a preventative maintenance schedule and are cleaned no less than every 3 years. There are also selected lines that get put ona higher frequency of cleaning determined by reviewing records kept on problem areas to prevent overflows. Our Vac-Con truck is capable of cleaning lines using pressurized water. Closed circuit television is used to locate and define problems in lines that are otherwise inaccessible. MVSD staff consults with developers installing new sewer lines and our long-range plan includes upgrading and replacing older lines.

MVSD has an emergency crew on call 24 hours per day seven days per week that will respond to all service calls. The District will handle problems in main sewer lines, but side sewers are the responsibility of homeowners.

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