Back at the BBQ!

The start of summer brings back swimming, camping, and you can’t forget, outdoor BBQs. The thought of it reminds you of the delicious aromas of steak, burger, chicken, and even vegetables on the grill, and with all that juicy goodness comes fats, oils, and grease (FOG) on your grill and in the drip pan.
Keep your summer clog-free by making sure that those drippings are placed in a can and the excess is scraped onto paper towels. Let the can cool and place it in the trash. The paper towels can be placed in your green cart or compost. You can save yourself time on clean up by using a grill mat. A high-quality grill mat will act as a barrier and prevent your food from coming in contact with the grate, making less mess to clean with a surface that wipes off easily.