Capital Improvement Progress

The 10-year Capital Improvement Program encompasses several projects at the plant. The following information provides an overview of the program’s progress in 2023.
On-site construction work for the UV Disinfection Replacement concluded in November. Significant improvements included the installation and energization of the motor control center (MCC) and the installation and startup of the new class 3 pump station and hydropneumatic tank system. Many other electrical, instrumentation, and SCADA upgrades were also completed.
- Work on the project design and right-of-way issues for the 888 Howe Road Sanitary Sewer Replacement steadily progressed throughout last year. This project is expected to move to the construction phase in mid-2024.
- All pipeline cleaning and televising work was completed in June. Computerized risk model work was conducted, and the report was delivered.
- A condition assessment was performed and completed on the District’s pump stations with a final technical memorandum delivered in June.
- Repairs on the sewer main and side sewer connection were completed in August at 770 Central and Kelly Avenues and Saxon Street.
- A draft preliminary design report for plant improvements was delivered in June. Preliminary design work focusing on plant electrical and SCADA systems is currently in progress.
You can follow our project progress online at