Contra Costa County Hazard Mitigation Plan
The Contra Costa County Hazard Mitigation Plan serves as a guide for the county to become more resilient to the impacts of natural, human-caused, and technological hazards. The County Base Plan was approved by FEMA and CalOES on September 18, 2024, and adopted by the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors on November 5, 2024.
The plan is divided into two volumes. Volume I is the county plan; it includes the overall analysis of the hazards, a county profile, the countywide mitigation action items, and sets the foundation for participating jurisdiction annexes. Volume II is comprised of the annexes for each participating city and special district.
Mt. View Sanitary District is in the adoption process. The plans below will go to the MVSD Board on March 13, 2025.
Contra Costa County Hazard Mitigation PlanMt. View Sanitary District Annex Hazard Mitigation Plan
Even though the comment period is over, residents may still submit feedback on the plan that will be reviewed annually and may help shape future iterations. Please use this form to submit your plan review comments: