Dr. Teng-Chung Wu and Mt. View Sanitary District

Dr. Wu is widely regarded as the “Grandfather of Pollution Prevention” in the Golden State for his significant efforts in the fields of wastewater pollution prevention and promotion of the use of treated wastewater for the enhancement of the environment. After 35 years of Regional Water Board service and retiring as a Division Chief, Dr. Wu chose to come to Mt. View Sanitary District (MVSD) in 2002 to continue to serve as an environmental ambassador. Dr. Wu used MVSD as a model plant and a successful example to educate foreign dignitaries on global preservation of the environment.
Dr. Wu retired from MVSD in 2006 after serving as the District’s Technical Services Director. During his time at MVSD, Dr. Wu was a staunch supporter of pollution prevention efforts, wetland enhancements, and public outreach, both locally and internationally. In 2007, the Regional Water Board established the Dr. Teng-Chung Wu Pollution Prevention Award in memory of Dr. Teng-Chung Wu. This annual award recognizes Dr. Wu’s dedication to improving water quality throughout this career and, in particular, his leadership in pollution prevention.
MVSD is proud to carry on Dr. Wu’s legacy.