SCADA System Upgrades
DESCRIPTION: The Project replaced many of the hardware components (server, backup server, computers, monitors, ethernet wiring) and software programs (new licenses, configurations, trainings) that comprise the District’s Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) system. The Project also significantly upgraded existing graphics screens as well as developed new ones that greatly improved plant operations and control. The Project also improved remote access capabilities.
JUSTIFICATION: The District’s SCADA system was at least ten years old (likely more) and had reached the end of its useful service life. The system had undergone continuous changes, tweaks, and upgrades throughout its entire service life, and although it continued to run, it needed to be updated for the following reasons: 1) the Wonderware software platform was no longer supported, and as time went on and issues arose the necessary software patches would not have been available; 2) the previous version of the operating system (Microsoft Windows 7) at the Operations Building workstation would be similarly unsupported; 3) the server that hosted Wonderware, Microsoft Office, and Hach Wims (laboratory state reporting software for discharge permit compliance) was no longer under warranty; 4) the system lacked a plant overview screen, and most of the other existing screens were very antiquated; 5) the system lacked redundancy; 6) the system lacked multiple user remote access capability; and 7) the system was experiencing a high error rate during 2019, precipitating several server crashes and data losses, as well as increased costs for extensive technical support from programming consultants.