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Sewer Service Charge Rebate Assistance Program

The Mt. View Sanitary District Sewer Service Charge Assistance Program will offer a 20% discount, which will be received in the form of a rebate check after all property taxes for the subject parcel have been paid.  There are currently two requirements to confirm eligibility for the Sewer Service Charge Assistance Program.  This application is for one single-family residence, you must own and occupy the residence located within the District’s boundaries of Contra Costa County, and your annual gross household income* cannot be more than the applicable Low-Income Limit below which is dependent on the number of family members.

MVSD SSC Rebate Assistance Program
Low-Income Limits

Household SizeAnnual Income Limit
1-2$39,440 or less
3$49,720 or less
4$60,000 or less
5$70,280 or less
6$80,560 or less
7$90,840 or less
8$101,120 or less
9$111,400 or less
10$121,680 or less
Each additional personAdd $10,280

* Effective July 1st to June 30th (*Based on PG&E CARE Program Income Limits, before taxes based on current income sources. Valid through May 31, 2024)


The MVSD Rebate Assistance application is a fillable document.  Save/download your completed application. 

Rebate Assistance Application

The application and supporting documents can be mailed or hand delivered to the District at 3800 Arthur Road, Martinez, CA 94553, emailed to


This application must be filed with the District on or before November 30th of the prior fiscal year, for the forthcoming budget year. Failure to file on time may result in rejection of your application. If approved, the sewer service charge assistance will only apply for one year. You must file a new application form each year you wish to remain eligible.


Sewer Service Charge Rebate for Low-Income Households FAQ

Who is eligible to receive a low-income rebate?

To qualify for a sewer service charge rebate for low-income households, you must be a residential property owner in the Mt. View Sanitary District and either (1) be an existing PG&E California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) program customer which automatically qualifies you as a low-income household or (2) establish you are a low-income household according to Mt. View Sanitary District’s income levels (which is similar to the PG&E CARE thresholds).


Do I need to submit a low-income application every year?

Yes, because the rebate is based on income, and income may change from year to year, you will need to file a low-income application every year.


What is the deadline to file an application for a sewer service charge rebate?

This application must be filed on or before November 30th each year for the next fiscal year budget which begins July 1st.


I own multiple residences which are located on different parcels. Can I receive a rebate for each of them?

No, you may only claim ONE parcel as your primary residence.


When will I receive my rebate check?

The District receives its Ad Valorem Tax deposit from Contra Costa County in December/January; rebate checks will be mailed out in January/February.


Where do I mail my application form and supporting documents?

(Before mailing, please make a photocopy for your records)

Please mail or email the completed application with attachments to:

Mt. View Sanitary District
c/o Rebate Assistance Program

3800 Arthur Road

Martinez, CA 94553


Applications and supporting documents can also be emailed to:



If you have further questions, please contact Mt. View Sanitary District staff at or call (925) 228-5635 ext. 14.




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