Solid & Yard Waste

Republic Services is the solid and yard waste hauler for MVSD. Below you will find information on rates, recycling guides, yard waste, and on-call cleanups.
Republic Services Residential Rates effective 2.1.24MVSD Red Service Area Calendar 2024MVSD Blue Service Area Calendar 2024Your yard waste is collected every other week on the same day as your curbside recycling. You may rent a 96-gallon cart for $3 per month or use up to three (3) of your own 32-gallon cans for yard waste. Cans may be no larger than 32-gallons, must have handles and have a yard waste sticker on them. Call Republic Services customer service at 925-685-4711 for stickers.
Wondering what can and can't be recycled? Visit the Recycling Guide.
Residents are allotted two on-call cleanups per year to dispose of bulky items or up to 2 cubic yards of extra refuse without charge. For more information or to schedule a cleanup, call 925-685-4711 one week in advance.
Republic Services office hours are Monday-Friday, 8:00am-5:00pm.
Republic Services phone hours are Monday-Friday, 7:00am-6:00pm.
For more information from Republic Services, visit their website at