Your Sanitary Sewer Lateral

The Mt. View Sanitary District defines the Sanitary Sewer Lateral or building lateral as typically, beginning within 2 feet of the building structure to where it connects to the mainline sewer. This also includes the fitting in which the lateral connects to the mainline. The Sanitary Sewer Lateral is also defined by the terms Upper Lateral and Lower Lateral. The Upper Lateral is the portion of the Sanitary Sewer Lateral that is typically installed within 2 feet of the building structure to the property line. The Lower Lateral is the portion that is installed from the property line to the mainline connection. The Sanitary Sewer Lateral is the private property of the building owner who is, therefore, responsible for all costs related to the installation, connection, maintenance, repair, reconstruction, alteration, abandonment, or removal of the Sanitary Sewer Lateral.
To aid the property owner in avoiding the unpleasant and often costly experience of a sanitary sewer backup MVSD encourages all property owners to install and maintain a backwater overflow device. On all new home and business construction it is a requirement of the permitting process.