What's Acceptable?

This may not be a complete list of what is accepted. Please call 1-800-646-1431 with any questions.
- Medications (Learn about proper pharmaceutical disposal)
- Medical waste, Sharps (needles, scalpels, etc.):Home medical sharps can be disposed of in a sealed container and placed in the collection kiosk outside of the Administration Building at Mt. View Sanitary District.There are also a number of companies that provide “mail back sharps disposal” for a fee.
- Waste contaminated with PCBs at more than 50 ppm (fluorescent light ballasts containing PCBs will be accepted)
- Radioactive material:Check with the manufacturer for take-back informationRadioactive material, other than smoke detectors, contact Contra Costa Health Services
- Explosive waste (including ammunition, picric acid, and fireworks) - contact local law enforcement agency
- Compressed gas cylinders (propane accepted) - contact local compressed gas suppliers
- E-waste – for information on e-waste disposal see:Rapid Recycle (Pacheco, CA) website
- Treated Wood Waste: Due to regulatory changes as of January 1, 2021, treated wood, such as fence posts, decking, telephone poles, railroad ties, etc., is no longer allowed to be disposed of in a solid waste landfill. There are currently no disposal options available to households. For questions about responsible disposal of treated wood waste, contact the California Department of Toxic Substances Control. Visit dtsc.ca.gov/toxics-in-products/treated-wood-waste or email tww_help@dtsc.ca.gov.